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Main Papers

  1. Daniel Naber, A Rule-Based Style and Grammar Checker, Diploma Thesis, University of Bielefeld, 2003 [Describes the first version of LT, developed in Python]
  2. Marcin Miłkowski, Developing an open-source, rule-based proofreading tool, Software – Practice and Experience 2010, 40 (7), pp. 543-566. DOI: 10.1002/spe.971. (Here is the final uncorrected draft)

Other Papers and Publications

  1. Agnes Souque, Conception et développement d'un formalisme de correction grammaticale automatique - application au français (Mémoire de Master 2 Recherche)
  2. Marcin Miłkowski, Automated Building of Error Corpora of Polish, w: B. Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk (red.), Corpus Linguistics, Computer Tools, and Applications – State of the Art. PALC 2007, Peter Lang. Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften 2008, s. 631-639 (Here is the final uncorrected draft).
  3. Agnes Souque, Vers une nouvelle approche de la correction grammaticale automatique, RECITAL 2008, Avignon, juin 2008
  4. Jarosław Lipski, Marcin Miłkowski, Using SRX standard for sentence segmentation in LanguageTool, in: Z. Vetulani (ed.), Human Language Technologies as a Challenge for Computer Science and Linguistics, Wydawnictwo Poznańskie, Fundacja Uniwersytetu im. A. Mickiewicza, Poznań 2009, pp. 556-560.
  5. Maxim Mozgovoy, Dependency-Based Rules for Grammar Checking with LanguageTool, ASIR 2011 - 1st International Workshop on Advances in Semantic Information
  6. Elitza Ivanova, Delphine Bernhard, Cyril Grouin, Handling Outlandish Occurrences: Using Rules and Lexicons for Correcting NLP Articles, technical report
  7. Marcin Miłkowski. Automating rule generation for grammar checkers. In Explorations across Languages and Corpora: PALC 2009, pages 123–133, Frankfurt am Main, 2011. Peter Lang.
  8. Nathaniel Oco and Allan Borra. 2011. A Grammar Checker for Tagalog using LanguageTool. In Proceedings of the 9th Workshop on Asian Language Resources collocated with IJCNLP 2011 (pp 2-9). Asian Federation of Natural Language Processing.
  9. Susana Sotelo Doco. LanguageTool-gl - Un corrector lingüístico para gallego (presentation slides), 2011
  10. Ying Jiang, Tong Wang, Tao Lin, Fangjie Wang, Wenting Cheng, Xiaofei Liu, Chenghui Wang, Weijian Zhang, A Rule Based Chinese Spelling and Grammar Detection System Utility (accepted manuscript). In Proceedings of 2012 International Conference on System Science and Engineering (ICSSE 2012), pp. 437 - 440, IEEE Computer Society, Dalian, 2012.
  11. Luboš Lehotský, Pravidlá na kontrolu slovenskej gramatiky, BA thesis, Bratislava University 2010.
  12. Marcin Miłkowski, Translation Quality Checking in LanguageTool, in Corpus Data across Languages and Disciplines, ed. Piotr Pęzik: 213-223. Peter Lang.
  13. Nathaniel Oco and Rachel Roxas. 2012 Pattern Matching Refinements to Dictionary-Based Code-Switching Point Detection. In Proceedings of the 26th Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information, and Computation (pp 229 - 236). Faculty of Computer Science, Universitas Indonesia.
  14. Mario Jurišić, Slovnični pregledovalniki za slovenščino, Master's thesis, 2013.
  15. Yakov Reztsov, Russian module for LanguageTool, Реализация модуля проверки русской грамматики на основе программы LanguageTool. Десятая конференция разработчиков свободных программ. Калуга, 20–22 сентября 2013 года. Тезисы докладов (стр. 79 - 82), Москва, Альт Линукс, 2013.
  16. Annika Nietzio, Daniel Naber, Christian Bühler, Towards Techniques for Easy-to-Read Web Content, 5th International Conference on Software Development and Technologies for Enhancing Accessibility and Fighting Info-exclusion, DSAI 2013


  1. Marcin Miłkowski, O powierzchniowym przetwarzaniu języka polskiego na przykładzie korektora LanguageTool, II Studenckie Forum Badań nad Językiem, Ośrodek Badań Filozoficznych i Interdyscyplinarne Koło Badań nad Językiem, April 5, 2009.
  2. Marcin Miłkowski, Automatic Rule Generation for Grammar Checkers, PALC 2009, University of Łódź, April 6, 2009.
  3. Daniel Naber, Marcin Miłkowski, Extending LanguageTool, a style and grammar checker, workshop at the Conference 2009 (OOoCon), November 3-6 2009, Orvieto, Italy
  4. Marcin Miłkowski, Translation Quality Checking in LanguageTool, PALC 2011, University of Łódź, April 15, 2011.
  5. Inna Nickel, Daniel Naber, Christian Lieske, Tool-Supported Linguistic Quality in Web-Related Multilanguage Contexts, W3C Workshop Program: Making the Multilingual Web Work, March 12-13, 2013, Rome
  6. Daniel Naber, Automatische Prüfung von Wikipedia-Artikeln, Wikimedia Deutschland: Offener Sonntag, May 26, 2013, Berlin
  7. Mike Unwalla, Patterns in language for POS disambiguation in a style checker, Technical Communication UK Conference, September 24-26, 2013, Bristol
  8. Annika Nietzio, Daniel Naber, Software-Unterstützung für Korrektheit und Leichte Sprache, tekom Jahrestagung, November 6-8, 2013 Wiesbaden
  9. Daniel Naber, Automatische Prüfung von Wikipedia-Artikeln, WikiCon, November 23, 2013, Karlsruhe
  10. Daniel Naber, How we found a million style and grammar errors in the English Wikipedia, FOSDEM 2014, February 1, 2014, Brussels
  11. Marcin Miłkowski, Daniel Naber, Fixing grammar errors semi-automatically, Wikimania 2014, August 8, 2014, London


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